tisdag 29 mars 2011


Had a nice walk in the sun with mami today. She doesnt like me taking pictures of her but i finally got a nice one without her being silly.

torsdag 24 mars 2011

paris is for you

  Taken with my analogue camera. And yes,we had this amazing view from our window!

lördag 19 mars 2011

back in barca

A lot of fun stuff has been going on and thats why i havent had the time to updated the blog in a while. Sorry! These pics were taken in Barcelona last weekend, it was raining constantly, but we still had a great time and met some really nice people.

onsdag 2 mars 2011

we call her ebbalainen

Today im looking after my favorite dog Ebba, shes old and stubbern but lovely!

tisdag 1 mars 2011

close ups

Close ups can also be very charming. Even thou most people and animals dont think so...